Ticket prices may be higher or lower than face value.
Your Santa Rosa Ticket Resale Marketplace.

If your calendar and social life is empty this week, let’s help you fill it up! You’ll learn there’s many things to do in Santa Rosa this week and Only Santa Rosa Tickets will help you get tickets for events that you’ll love.

Whether you want to attend a country music concert, root for your team at Sanoma Raceway or enjoy a romantic evening at a new concert hall, we can help you get the perfect seats at the best prices. Plus, all of our tickets have a 100% guarantee that your tickets will be sent to you before the event.

It’s easy to look through the events in Santa Rosa that are going on this week and decide on the event you want. If nothing catches your eye, learn what’s coming next week or browse our calendar to see what events are coming next month.

Here at Only Santa Rosa Tickets, we know how annoying it can be to keep finding tickets for other cities that are two, four, or even eight hours away. That’s why we only have tickets for nearby events that are in Santa Rosa.

So whether you want to go to game, a comedy sketch, or a rowdy concert, get your tickets so your social calendar is full.